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What Does Rebuilt Title Mean?

Many people have questions regarding rebuilt titles. Simply put, a rebuilt title is a vehicle

Guide To Preparing Your Car For Sale

When preparing your car for sale, you will want to increase its showroom appeal to attract the best possible price. Just like with selling a home, this can be achieved through several ways and can end up adding hundreds of dollars to your selling price. In this guide, we share with you some ways you can prepare your car for sale.

Get Aesthetical Flaws Fixed

It has happened to the best of us: your car likely has some small dents or paint flaking off at some parts. While this doesn’t impact functionality, it can play a big part in the first impression buyers get of your car. These small aesthetical flaws don’t cost much to repair and can even be done by yourself if you know how to. Taking the time to fix minor flaws can make a big difference in the first impression you leave behind.

Clean the Exterior and Interior

The next step is to clean both the exterior and interior of your car. On the outside, give your paint job a new shine and polish – never underestimate the role it can play in leaving behind a positive impression. Clean your doors and windows as well, ensuring there is no dirt and debris on them. In the cabin, you will want to remove your floor mats and vacuum the interior, making sure to clean the seats, dash, and trims. Also, remember to clean underneath the seats!

Make Sure Your Car Smells Good

Often, cars can have that “leathery” smell caused by the seats, which we may not even notice because we have gotten so used to it. To ensure a pleasant odor in the cabin, you may want to start using an air freshener in your car a week or so before selling it.

Get the Owner’s Manual and Service Book Ready

You should be able to show your buyer the records of all the works that have been done on your car over the years. To this end, make sure your service book is up to date and get to work getting your documents together if you haven’t already done so. This also includes a record of any parts you have bought, such as tires and batteries.

Sell Your Car to Us at Fast Cash 4 My Car

Have you decided that selling your car is the way to go? If so, sell it to us at Fast Cash 4 My Car to avoid the time and hassle of selling it yourself. The first step is to get in touch with us for an offer, and after you have accepted it, schedule a convenient pick-up time for you. We will arrive to tow your car away, free of charge, and you will be paid instant cash on the spot.

We have been buying used cars, trucks, SUVs, and vans – whether they are running or not – since 2005, and we can help you with selling your car, too. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us at (310) 678-3936.

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